Sunday, December 13, 2009

dang, it's cold and rainy!

Gosh, it's been a while since I've been on here. It's cold and rainy today in Hickory and I really don't feel like riding outside. So i shall get on the trainer that I haven't been on a while and spin and spin and spin and spin and spin and spin and spin and spin. Anyways, during these last few weeks I have been riding to school on my bike in 25 degree weather... COLD and since I go to a private school, I have to change into a skirt and a polo t-shirt. But that isn't hard, what is hard is trying to get the booties off my bike shoes! When your hands are frozen, it hurts! But yeah, my dad has set up a programish thing so we can earn some extra money. He told Cedric, who is 8, to ride 50 miles and he can earn 10 bucks. I have to do 80 miles, but I practically do that going to and from school in a money is my motivation in this freezing weather!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Warrior Creek and Divas!

Heyy=) it's me again...well I went to Warrior Creek in Wilkesboro last weekend and met up with some D. Divas( a womens mountain club in Charlotte) !  We had a blast!  It was also nice to see people enjoying the trail I have made!  Well I think that I might just join the Dirt Divas club!  And soon!  The ladies in there really inspire and motivate me to strive and do better!  Thanks to all y'all out there! 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another mountain bike trail day=]

i went to Warrior Creek in Wilkesboro today. every sunday and sometimes saturdays i go build a mtn. bike trail that is nearly done now! I meet some pretty awesome people out there!  And i'm completing my girl scout silver award( the big 40 hour project is on refurbishing trails

Thursday, January 1, 2009


 Thanks for visiting my new blog! Yesterday I road biked to bball practice. I was going to go through the Bojangles drive thru on the way back, but my dad came by and pick me up... he drove us to Lake Norman State Park and we did 13 miles. Well, every year they change the way of the course and yesterday was the last day of clockwise. When we came back to the parking lot we looked at the sign and it told us that we had done it wrong...I guess the ranger didn't see our car.